OMS - Optimization of Mechanical Structures

Summer Term

Lecture: Structural Optimization

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Ing. Axel Schumacher


Structural Optimization uses simulation models for the automatic improvement of the structural behaviors. Thus simulations are used not only to validate already existing designs, but make a powerfulcontribution in the process of development of complex systems. The latest developments and application ranges in the field of the optimization are treated.


The Lecture is divided as follows:

1. Objective and Constraint Functions

2. Mathematical Basics

3. Optimization Procedures

4. Optimization Program Systems

5. Optimization Strategies

6. Shape Optimization

7. Topology Optimization


Beside the basic exercises most of the calculator exercises treated by the student are tasks from Mechanical Engineering, Aircraft Design and Vehicle Development:


• Thickness optimization of a bar

• Cross section optimization of a truss

• Optimization of a bar under dynamic loads

• Optimization of the shape of holes

• Topology optimization of a holder

Besides, each student works on his or her own optimization project.



• Baier H., Seeßelberg C., Specht B.: Optimierung in der Strukturmechanik. Vieweg-Verlag, Wiesbaden, 1994 (in German)

• Bendsøe M.P., Sigmund, O.: Topology Optimization - Theory, Methods and Applications, Springer-Verlag, 2003

• Schumacher, A.: Optimierung mechanischer Strukturen, 3. Auflage, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2020 (in German)

• Harzheim L. (2008) Strukturoptimierung – Grundlagen und Anwendungen. Verlag Harry Deutsch, Frankfurt (in German)