OMS - Optimization of Mechanical Structures

Summer Term

Lecture: Car body Design

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Ing. Axel Schumacher


Interpretation of car body structures under aid of the methods and software programs of the computer Aided Engineering (CAE).

Technologies of the car body construction

- Construction methods

- Structural materials and-semi-finished products / material choice

- Manufacturing methods

- Joining technologies


Development of vehicle structures for static demands

- Process of development

- Constructing appropriate for CAE

- Finite element modelling of a car body

- Static behavior of the vehicle structure

- Finite element calculation of joining technologies


Improvement of the dynamic behavior

- Component design taking into account the oscillations in the vehicle


Improvement of the acoustic behavior

- Test and simulation procedures

- Acoustics specific for vehicle

- Acoustic interpretation of a car body

- Special uses


Crash interpretation

- Fundamental terms


Definition of life expectancy

- Fundamental terms

- Single check and component check

- Whole vehicle under workload

- "Damage-Tolerance" concept

- Cracker arrester


• Malen, D.E.: Fundamentals of Automobile Body Structure Design, SAW International, ISBN 978-0-7680-2169-1, 2011

• Braess, H., Seiffert, U.: Handbuch Kraftfahrzeugtechnik, Vieweg-Verlag Wiesbaden, 2001