OMS - Optimization of Mechanical Structures

Graph and heuristic based topology optimization of 3D crash structures for automotive



The optimization of crash loaded structures is much more difficult due to non-linear material models, contact phenomena and large deformations and is associated with a large number of iterations in the development process. The method of graph and heuristic based topology optimization for profiles with constant cross-sections has successfully shown how the automated generation of structures and optimization can take place and has revealed great potential.

The current change in vehicle concepts creates new requirements and fields of application in the development process. In order to counter these new challenges, new methods for the design of crash loaded structures will be developed.

Research goals

The overall goal of the research project is the practical topology optimization for the layout finding of three dimensional crash loaded structures. The application should be developed for different load cases and optimization objectives. This should enable optimization objectives, such as minimizing contact force or minimizing the structural mass with given restrictions. Furthermore, the sub-aspects include the development of new heuristics, an extension of the flexible graph syntax and the integration into possible realistic simulation models. Meanwhile, considered non-design spaces will be integrated in the optimization process as well.


Grant and project sponsors:


AiF-Research Association:

Project support committee:



  • Altair Engineering GmbH, Böblingen
  • BENTELER Automobiltechnik GmbH, Paderborn
  • Divis Intelligent Solution GmbH, Dortmund
  • Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, Weissach
  • :em engineering methods AG, Darmstadt
  • Ford-Werke GmbH, Köln
  • GNS mbH, Braunschweig
  • Kube GmbH Ingenieurbüro, Plochingen
  • LiA Engineering GmbH, Paderborn
  • Opel Automobile GmbH, Rüsselsheim
  • SCALE GmbH, Stuttgart
  • SIDACT GmbH, Sankt Augustin
  • Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg
  • Volkswagen Osnabrück GmbH, Osnabrück
  • ZF Group, Alfdorf



Relevant publications:

[1] Beyer, F., Schneider, D. & Schumacher, A. Finding three-dimensional layouts for crashworthiness load cases using the graph and heuristic based topology optimization. Journal of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. 63, 59–73 (2021).

[2] Schumacher, A., Beyer, F. (2020): Untersuchung zu den Einsatzmöglichkeiten der Graphen- und Heuristikbasierten Topologieoptimierung zur Entwicklung von 3D-Rahmenstrukturen in Crashlastfällen, FAT-Schriftenreihe 329, ISSN 2192-7863

[3] Ortmann, C.; Schumacher, A. (2013): "Graph and heuristic based topology optimization of crash loaded structures", Journal of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (2013) 47:839–854