OMS – Optimierung Mechanischer Strukturen

Team des Lehrstuhls

Frau Dr. - Ing. Katrin Weider

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin



Weider, K., Schumacher, A. (2024) Topological derivatives for shell structure optimization considering crash loadcases with material nonlinearities and large deformations, Struct Multidisc Optim 67, 114,

Weider, K. (2021) Topologische Ableitung zur Optimierung crashbelasteter Strukturen. Berichte aus dem Maschinenbau. Shaker Verlag, Düren. ISBN 978-3-8440-8248-7 Direkter Link zur Dissertation

Weider K., Schumacher A. (2019) Meta-modelling of the missing link between the analytical Topological Derivative equations and sensitivities for the optimization of crash loaded structures. GAMM Jahrestagung 2019, Wien, Österreich, 18.-22. Februar

Weider K., Schumacher A. (2019) Adjoint Method for Topological Derivatives for Optimization Tasks with Material and Geometrical Nonlinearities. In: Herskovits J., Mota Soares C.M., Araújo A.L., Guedes J.M., Folgado J.O., Moleiro F., Madeira J.F.A. (eds) EngOpt2018 Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Engineering Optimization. Springer, Cham

Weider, K., Schumacher, A. (2018): "Efficient analysis of topological sensitivities for crash problems using LS-Dyna implicit", Deutsches LS-Dyna Forum 2018, 15.-17.10.2018 in Bamberg

Weider K., Schumacher A. (2018) A Topology Optimization Scheme for Crash Loaded Structures Using Topological Derivatives. In: Schumacher A., Vietor T., Fiebig S., Bletzinger KU., Maute K. (eds) Advances in Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. WCSMO 2017. Springer, Cham

Weider K., Marschner A., Schumacher A.(2017), A Systematic Study on Topology Optimization of Crash Loaded Structures using LS-TaSCTM. 11th European LS-DYNA Conference 2017, Salzburg, Austria

Weider K., Schumacher A. (2016) On the calculation of Topological Derivatives considering an exemplary nonlinear material model. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 16, Braunschweig, Deutschland, 7.-11. März



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